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Taking College Courses After 50 May Slow Cognitive Decline

by 정보경험 2022. 1. 27.

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Taking College Courses After 50 May Slow Cognitive Decline | Engoo Daily News

It's never too late to go to school. In fact, studying a college course at 50 or over could slow cognitive decline, a new Australian study has found.



Taking College Courses After 50 May Slow Cognitive Decline

It's never too late to go to school. In fact, studying a college course at 50 or over could slow cognitive decline, a new Australian study has found.

The research — which was done over seven years on the island state of Tasmania — looked at how taking college-level courses would affect the cognitive function of 383 adults who were between 50 and 79 at the start of the study.

The participants could do any college course they wanted at no cost. They were then given cognitive tests every year for the first three years, followed by tests every two years up to the seventh year. The test results were then compared with those of a control group of 102 people who weren't taking a college course.

The researchers found that the group that took college courses did better than the control group in key areas, including verbal fluency and episodic memory — which are parts of our cognition that have been found to be the most vulnerable to age-related decline.

Verbal fluency refers to how easily a person can produce words. It may be tested by asking people to quickly say as many words as possible that begin with a certain letter, for example.

Meanwhile, episodic memories include what we remember of our past experiences and their time, place and context — even how we felt during each event. For example, these could be memories of our first day at school, our wedding day or what we had for breakfast.

If later-life education helps to preserve or slow the decline of these key areas of memory, the researchers suggest we may also be able to maintain our independence longer as we get older.

The researchers also point to the growing number of people taking college courses later in life — and that some colleges even have retirement communities on campus. For example, in December 2020 Arizona State University opened a 20-story retirement complex for people aged 62 and older, letting them access the university library and join many classes as "guest learners."




1. What are your thoughts on the findings of this study?
2. Do you know anyone who returned to college later in life?
3. If you were to take a college course after retiring, what would you be interested in learning about?
4. What do you plan to do more of once you retire?
5. In your opinion, what are the best ways to slow down the aging process? Why do you think so?

Further Discussion

1. Who would you say is the wisest person you know?
2. Do most people in your country go to college after finishing high school?
3. In your opinion, what college degrees are the most useful in today's job market?
4. Do you know any successful people who didn't go to college?
5. There is no end to education. — Jiddu Krishnamurti. Do you agree? Why? Why not?



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